Category Archives: PMO

Situation Report 4 Fire in Camp 11

In response of devastating fire in camp 11 on 5 March 2023, BDRCS/IFRC continued supporting to the fire affected families at a stretch for the 4th day. In this regard, BDRCS/IFRC continuously coordinating and communicating with the Office of the Refugee, Relief and Repatriation Commissioner (RRRC), Inter Sector Coordination Group (ISCG), IOM and sector focal

Situation Report 3 Fire in Camp 11

Devastating fire incident broke out in camp 11 on March 5 2023, around 02.45 PM which affected 3,011 families/15,926 individuals and resulted major damages to different camp level facilities, infrastructure, and service networks in 15 sub-blocks of block A, B and D. Since the beginning of the emergency, BDRCS and IFRC supported by Partner National

Situation Report 2 Fire in Camp 11

In the second day of Fire response in camp 11, Joint Need Assessment (JNA) was facilitated by site management lead – IOM to address out the damage scenario through mobilizing sectoral staff and volunteers under the guidance from Government authority (Camp in Charge Office) in coordination with sector focal agencies where BDRCS/IFRC also participated as

PMO Operational Update November 2022

The humanitarian crisis in the camp settlement and affected host communities continues to be in protracted nature. With no sign of repatriation, some desperate camp people are still undertaking risky negative coping mechanism including boat trip to new destination. To address this crisis, BDRCS is seeking potential donors’ commitment to continue the emergency operation with

PMO Operational Update-October 2022

Bangladesh Red Crescent Society with the support of the IFRC and other 10 Red Cross Red Crescent Societies continues the implementation of Population Movement Operation (PMO) for camp and host/local communities in Cox’s Bazar. PMO extends humanitarian support to 17 camps through different interventions intensively. Apart from this, through Cyclone Preparedness Programme (CPP) activities, it

PMO Operational Update (Sept. 2023)

Bangladesh Red Crescent Society in collaboration with the IFRC and 10 Red Cross Red Crescent Societies continues implementation of Population Movement Operation (PMO) for camp and host/local communities in Cox’s Bazar. PMO covers 17 camps through different interventions intensively. In addition, through Cyclone Preparedness Programme (CPP) activities, it covers across all 33 camps.

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