First Aid Training Course

History of First Aid:

One hundred and fifty years ago, a battle in northern Italy sparked an idea that has since changed the world. On 24 June 1859, Henry Dunant, a young Geneva businessperson, witnessed horrifying suffering and agony following the battle of Solferino. He mobilized the civilian population, mainly women and girls, to care for the wounded irrespective of their role in the conflict. He secured them with the necessary materials and supplies and helped in the establishment of temporary hospitals. His book “A memory of Solferino” inspired the establishment of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) in 1863. Today, the need for humanitarian action is still as vital as it was in 1859.  (—first-aid-for-all/ )

Training Objectives:

In a daily life, every one may face accident or illness while adequate first aid procedures are urgently required before reach out to the actual medical services. In this regard, at the end the course participants will be able to:

  • Sensitize about the importance and actual procedures of First Aid
  • Understand, explain and demonstrate emergency life saving Fist Aid skills
  • Provide  First Aid in a emergency situation

Over All Basic First Aid learning points:

1. Describe the introductory ideas of first aid.

2. Describe and perform initial assessment or primary and secondary observation.

3. Understand the scene size-up and on-going assessment, and how to perform them.

4. Recognize and respond to severe choking in a responsive and unresponsive person.

5. Describe the causes, signs, symptoms, and first aid for a seizure (Fit), fainting and unconscious.

6. Describe and apply Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR).

7. Describe the signs, symptoms of shock with causes and its prevention and management.

8. Describe the recovery position and identify when and how to use it.

9. Describe different types of bleeding and its management.

10. Describe the signs, symptoms, and first aid for wounds.

11. Describe the signs, symptoms first aid of muscle or joint injury and bone fractures.

12. Recognize the types and severity of burns, and describe the first aid for burns and electric shock.

13. Describe the signs, symptoms, and first aid for poisoning.

14. Recognize the signs and symptoms of poisonous bites and stings, and describe the first aid for all bites and stings.

15. Describe and able to transport a casualty in an emergency when and how.

Course contents:

Introduction to First Aid, Choking, Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR), Shock, Bleeding, Wounds & dressing of wounds, Burn, Fit, Fainting & Unconsciousness, Bone fractures (Fractures, Sprains, Strains and Dislocations ), Poisoning, Bites (Insects & Animals) including Transportation of casualties.

Course Duration: 

  • 1 day: Introductory First Aid Training
  •  2-3 Days: Basic First Aid Training

(4-5 days Comprehensive Basic First Aid Training emphasizing CPR and Community Based Health and First Aid are encouraged)


Training for all


All successful candidates will be provided with a certificate of attendance by Bangladesh Red Crescent Society (BDRCS). Certification is valid for a certain period from the issuing date, thereafter subject to re-certification.

Are you looking to hold any First Aid Training? For further details, please contact us using this e-mail: [email protected] or Mobile: Training department: +8801811458540