Anticipatory Action (AA)
BDRCS Anticipatory Actions and Early Action Protocols (EAP)
BDRCS Anticipatory Actions and Early Action Protocols (EAP)
Anticipatory Action (AA) is a programme that enables access to humanitarian funding for early action based on in-depth forecast information and risk analysis. The goal of FbF is to anticipate disasters, prevent their impact, and reduce human sufferings and losses. Anticipatory Action (AA) implements pre-agreed early actions in the short time between a reliable forecast and the extreme event happening. This means that early actions need to be implemented before a disaster happens in order to reduce the impact on the lives and livelihoods of the affected population.
Heatwave 2024-Operational Update 1
What is Anticipatory Action (AA)?
Anticipatory Action (AA) is a programme that enables access to humanitarian funding for early action based on in-depth forecast information and risk analysis. The goal of AA is to anticipate disasters, prevent their impact, and reduce human sufferings and losses.
AA implements pre-agreed early actions in the short time between a reliable forecast and the extreme event happening. This means that early actions need to be implemented before a disaster happens to reduce the impact on the lives and livelihoods of the affected population.
Background of Anticipatory Action (AA)
Anticipatory Action (AA) developed from a long-standing element in Climate Centre work: assisting the mainstreaming of the early warning early action model into Red Cross Red Crescent disaster management worldwide.
It recognizes that there are often forecasts available but no humanitarian organization resourced to act before disaster, especially when there is no certainty and a risk of acting in vain.
With their government’s support, the German Red Cross (GRC) secured flexible preparedness funds for actions specified in standard operating procedures.
The AA approach consists of three components
Triggers – Based on detailed risk analysis of relevant natural hazards, impact assessments of past events and vulnerability data, “danger levels” for a region are identified. Then, a forecast trigger is selected that will give notice before the “danger level” is reached.
Selection of actions – The pre-defined actions that will be implemented at the time of a triggering forecast to reduce the humanitarian impact of an event.
Financing mechanism – An ex-ante financing instrument that automatically allocates funding once a forecast is triggered, which enables the effective implementation of early actions.
Early Action Protocol- These components are summarized in an Early Action Protocol (EAP). The EAPs serve as action guidelines that delineate roles and responsibilities for quick action when a trigger is reached.
Methodology – Trigger and Early Actions
The Red Cross Red Crescent Climate Centre (RCCC), together with BDRCS/GRC, and the Bangladesh Meteorological Department (BMD) provide the technical lead of the trigger development. The trigger defines the thresholds regarding impact and starts the implementation of the early actions.
The relevant thresholds of forecasts that trigger the early actions are defined in the Early Action Protocol (EAP). The impact-based forecast identifies areas and communities with the highest impact, meaning that AA early actions are implemented wherever the impact is highest.
Funding – Anticipatory Action (AA) by the DREF
In December 2017, the IFRC established the Anticipatory Action (AA) fund as a dedicated and sustainable financial mechanism, providing a vehicle for donors to support the FbF concept by extending the scope of the Disaster Relief Emergency Fund (DREF). Currently, the FbA by the DREF covers each Early Action Protocol (EAP) with CHF 230,000. National Red Cross Red Crescent Societies have access to immediate, reliable and sustainable funding. This allows early actions to be implemented with partners ahead of a disaster to reduce its impact.