Category Archives: In Focus

PMO Fact Sheet 2021

Bangladesh Red Crescent Society (BDRCS) has been implementing Population Movement Operation (PMO) for the Rohingya/Myanmar Nationals and affected local communities in Cox’s Bazar since March 2017. BDRCS continued the operation with the support of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) and 11 Participating National Societies (PNSs). As an Auxiliary to

PMO Operational Update March 2022

Bangladesh Red Crescent Society(BDRCS) continues Population Movement Operation (PMO) with the support of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies and other Red Cross red Crescent Societies from 10 countries in Cox’s Bazar. BDRCS reached more than 117,860 people with basic Healthcare services, Psychosocial Support (PSS), Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR), WASH, Shelter

EERW Programme Success Story Book (2021)

The Success Story Book “Voice of the Women, Voice of the Earth” has been published based on the achievements that were accumulated through the implementation of the Economic Empowerment of Rural Women (EERW) Programme in Bangladesh. Documenting and using success stories is the major work for preparing the document and demonstrating the outcomes of the

PMO Operational Update Feb-2022

Bangladesh Red Crescent Society (BDRCS), with support of the IFRC and Red Cross Red Crescent Societies from 11 countries, continues humanitarian support to the displaced Myanmar people and affected local communities through Population Movement Operation (PMO) in Cox’s Bazar. The humanitarian assistance has been provided to 16 priority camps as well as Ukhiya and Teknaf

Disaster Preparedness Bulletin-March 2022

Being an auxiliary to the government in the humanitarian field, Bangladesh Red Crescent Society (BDRCS) is one of the leading humanitarian organizations in the country, with branches and activities that cover the entire nation. BDRCS is a major national player in disaster and crisis response and works closely with authorities at national and local levels.

PMO Operational Update (Jan ’22)

PMO has been supporting with Health & PSS, WASH, DRR & CPP, Relief & Livelihood, Shelter, PGI and CEA interventions at 17 camps in Ukhiya & Teknaf and 04 unions in Ukhiya upazila intensively and by implementing Cyclone Preparedness Programme (CPP) covering all 34 camps in Cox’s Bazar district targeting 884,000 people of camp settlement

PMO Operational Update October 2021

The IFRC and others 11 RCRC Participating Partners Society (PNSs) and The Fred Hollows Foundation (FHF) are supporting for the BDRCS in the Population Movement Operation (PMO). Gradually, BDRCS emphasizing on the localization and scaling down the HR status considering the crisis is protracting. Organogram of the Operation is also reviewing according to the last

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