PMO Operational Update (September 2021)

Bangladesh Red Crescent Society (BDRCS) continues a grand humanitarian response namely Population Movement Operation (PMO) for the displaced Myanmar People (FDMN) in Cox’s Bazar since 2017. A Lesson Learnt Workshop to plan for next four years (2022-2024) was held early of September 2021.

To ensure the live-saving assistance, developing infrastructure, enhancing disaster resilience, health & PSS and WASH facilities for the guest community and the affected host/local community, PMO has been implementing the humanitarian services with the support of the IFRC and other RCRC Participating National Societies (PNSs).

To roll out the massive cholera vaccination campaign, BDRCS trained up 120 RCY volunteers and planned to mobilize at camps to immunize targeting 869,095 people in coordination with the GoB, World Health Organization (WHO), UNHCR and icddr,b to save from the life-threatening diarrheal disease.

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