Dr. Kabir M Ashraf Alam ndc, Secretary General

Dr. Kabir M Ashraf Alam ndc, has joined Bangladesh Red Crescent Society (BDRCS) as the Secretary General on the 28 August 2024. He served as a member of Bangladesh Civil Service for more than 33 years. During this long tenure, he has traversed various fields of administration and management in the public sector.

Local governance has been one of the prime areas of interest throughout his career. He worked on Capacity building of the LGI units, supervision of development works, functioning of the LGIs as representative local bodies and also accommodating and interfacing local government activities with that of the various local and international Non Government Organizations. Exchange of opinions with the local government functionaries at different levels has also enriched his knowledge about the system.

He has got professional experience as the head of the nation’s prime local government capacity building institution and also worked with a good number of national and international NGOs (CARE, HELVETAS Swiss Intercooperation, DASCO etc.) and other development partners like World Bank, UNDP, UNICEF, JICA, SDC, CIDA and DANIDA in the capacity building of the local government functionaries in the field of water and sanitation, financial and general administration, human rights and gender, development planning, local resource mobilization, environment protection and women empowerment.

Dr. Kabir M Ashraf Alam ndc, worked as Project Director of a capacity building project of the Government of Bangladesh in the area of water supply and sanitation sector funded by DANIDA and implemented by National Institute of Local Government.