DG ECHO Pilot Programmatic Partnership (PPP) Project
Bangladesh has been affected by more than 200 natural disasters over the last three decades. The country’s geographical location next to the Bay of Bengal, low-laying terrain, monsoons, and significant rivers render the country very vulnerable to natural hazards. Considering the risk profile of the country, the DG of European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (ECHO), the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) and European Union National Societies (EUNS) decided to include Bangladesh as part of the Pilot Programmatic Partnership (PPP). The PPP introduced in May 2022 with aims to boost the local capacities of Red Cross and Red Crescent (RCRC) Societies to support affected people, communities and local actors across the continuum of preparedness, anticipatory/early action and response efforts. It is an innovative funding instrument that ensures strategic, flexible, longer-term and predictable funding in support of more efficient and effective humanitarian programming, thereby also contributing to IFRC’s strategy 2030 and the ambitions of the IFRC Agenda for Renewal to test new working modalities within the humanitarian sector. Interventions in Bangladesh will be carried out under three pillars.
Principal objective:
Communities and local organizations are at the forefront of the action in humanitarian and health crises.
Specific Objective:
Communities and individuals at risk, and local actors, are taking action through innovative and integrated strategies, to anticipate, prepare for, withstand, respond to and recover from humanitarian and health crises.
Project Introduction:
Based on the humanitarian needs on one hand, and the roles and capacities of the Bangladesh Red Cross and Red Crescent Society on the other, the Pilot Programmatic Partnership (PPP) project in Bangladesh intends to address disaster risks in the country through three major pillars: i) Disaster Risk Management (DRM), ii) Epidemic and Pandemic Preparedness and Response (EPPR), and Risk Communication and iii) Community Engagement & Accountability (CEA).
Pillar-1 Disaster Risk Management (DRM):
This pillar will aim to reduce the vulnerability of both urban and rural communities in three city corporations and one sub district in year one and will revolve around five main axes-(i) Forecast-based Action (FbA) and early response for Heatwaves are in place to protect lives, assets and sustain livelihoods in Rajshahi and Dhaka; (ii) Comprehensive school safety and road safety initiatives are strengthened; (iii) Engagement through Disaster Risk Management policy and legislation to promote Standing Orders on Disasters and Shock Responsive Social Protection; (iv) Risk awareness and adaptation/ mitigation options are showcased and promoted providing community and local authorities with successful models for action and (v) Capacity development through the Preparedness for Response (PER) framework.
Pillar-2 Epidemic and Pandemic Preparedness and Response (EPPR):
With this pillar, the RCRC partners aim to strengthen the capacity of communities and public health systems in Bangladesh to prevent, detect and respond to epidemics and pandemics in a timely manner. Overarchingly, the activities under this pillar will focus on: (i) Raising awareness at the community level as well as among local and national authorities on epidemics and pandemics; (ii) Building the capacities of communities, Host National Society, healthcare workers and volunteers, and other relevant stakeholders; and (iii) Support underlying structures to prevent, detect and respond to disease outbreaks including advocacy and engagement with national and local authorities for strengthened policies and plans.
Pillar-3 Risk Communication, Community Engagement & Accountability (CEA):
This pillar will have specific attention to addressing the different vulnerabilities and capacities of various groups (e.g., women, people with disability, children, and the elderly). While this pillar will be closely working with and supporting the above two pillars, the partners will also support: (i) Bangladesh Red Crescent Society (BDRCS) to adopt policies, guidelines, tools, and mechanisms to prevent discrimination, harassment, and sexual exploitation and abuse; (ii) Strengthening BDRCS’ child safeguarding mechanisms and taking actions to prevent sexual exploitation and abuse; (iii) Structures and project partners will be sensitized to the Red Cross/Red Crescent Movement’s approach to CEA; (iv) The standards on Protection, Gender, and Inclusion (PGI) will be mainstreamed to ensure that no-one is left unsafe, no one is left behind, and no one is left out. These actions will build stronger relationships with staff, volunteers, and communities, ensuring programmes and services are contextually appropriate.
Overview of the PPP:
- An innovating funding instrument of DG ECHO in line with the Grand Bargain (World Humanitarian Summit, 2016).
- Leveraging the global IFRC network capacities and unique access to people and communities.
- Increasing efficiencies through economies of scale= not a collection of projects.
- Matching filed realities of protracted crisis with longer-term predictable funding, facilitating actions and processes with great impact.
- Contributing to the ambitions of EU as the biggest donor for international aid in the world & IFRC Strategy 2030.
- Three-years programme with one-year annual budgets and targets.
Working area:
- Selected and trained 1200 community volunteers on life savings skills to augment any emergency response throughout in a society as well as enhancing their own capabilities.
- Conducting Training for government frontline staff on Emergency Operation Dashboard (Disaster Damage, Loss, and Needs Assessment along with enhancing response capability.
- Formed/reformed and activation local DMCs to strengthen disaster management Committees on their roles and responsibilities to enhance their functionality (SOD orientations, trainings)
- 24 schools selected and implemented school-based interventions including comprehensive school safety framework at targeted areas.
- Mobilized health actors district as well national to establish Community Based Surveillance through multi-layer engagement & capacity development.
- Set strong foundations for a comprehensive DRM/Epidemic pandemic readiness programming within local authorities through MOUs/Joint programming.
- Organizing various capacity building and awareness rising events to sensitize and improve community people’s knowledge and skills on thematic areas.
- Gained strong acceptance within communities’ local stake holders through evolved CEA engagements-Strengthening existing CEA platforms: Accountability to Affected people and organizing Protection Gender and Inclusion (PGI) training for BDRCS staff and volunteers to improve their knowledge and skill as well as sensitized them.
Country Partners:
Name of National Society: Bangladesh Red Crescent Society (BDRCS)
Name of IFRC representation: International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC), Bangladesh Country Delegation
Name of EU National Society(ies) involved in the implementation and lead EU National Society: German Red Cross (Lead), Danish Red Cross